
Pilates Central sends out a newsletter at least once a month about the world of Pilates. Read Pilates news from around the world. January Highlights: Private sessions in a private space Skirting the issue on This Morning Pilates by numbers Getting your (Pilates) goat Private sessions in a private space We are pleased to announce...
Pilates Central sends out a newsletter at least once a month about the world of Pilates. Read Pilates news from around the world. December Highlights Sir Ian’s a Wizard to Pilates Boxing Clever Pilates and Long COVID Lovely Rita The Gift of Pilates Sir Ian’s a wizard at Pilates Sir Ian McKellan recently gave a...
Pilates Central sends out a newsletter at least once a month about the world of Pilates. Read Pilates news from around the world. September Highlights Booming Pilates Stone Love Body building Booming Pilates “Is Pilates as good as everyone says?” asks the New York Times. We all know the answer to that, and the New...
We are! Getting Ready to Open Pilates Central Of course, nothing is confirmed but we are expecting the studio to open on Monday 12th April. That date is a-way-away but we are being positive. The studio and our teachers will be ready for you post lockdown. We have a number of safety protocols in place,...
Second Lockdown After the Government’s announcement concerning a second lockdown, I think it prudent to outline our plans and intentions here at Pilates Central. Following government guidelines, we will be closing on Thursday 5th November, however we will be open as normal up until 9pm on Wednesday 4th November. The new lockdown rules are due...
Pilates Central Studio Safety We wanted to outline all the safety measures we now have in place for you and our teachers. See our safety measures video here. Please Arrive Promptly Please arrive promptly for your lesson. We will be taking your temperature on arrival and before you enter the studio proper. Studio Pods The...
To all our Pilates Central Clients Thank you very much for all your support during these challenging times. The studio is open. We’ve changed a few things to make sure we all keep safe. We’ve produced a video outlining how we will be keeping everyone at the studio safe. Please view our Safety Measures video...
Dear All, It looks like the Pilates Central studio will be opening soon. We will confirm the exact date shortly. We are looking forward to welcoming our existing clients (and new ones)! We have made changes to the studio and we will operate with the safety of everyone at the studio at all times. Please...
I hope this post finds you all safe and well and surviving lockdown. I wanted to update everyone on our plans to reopen the studio and to give you an idea of what exercising at the studio under social distancing will be like. Although the government has not given a date for us to open...
Safety First These are worrying times for as all, but with the Covid-19 virus situation we are doing all we can to make it as safe as possible at the studio for staff and clients. We have installed a hand sanitiser by the front door as you enter, which we would ask you all to...
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