Safety First

These are worrying times for as all, but with the Covid-19 virus situation we are doing all we can to make it as safe as possible at the studio for staff and clients.

We have installed a hand sanitiser by the front door as you enter, which we would ask you all to use. There are various hand gels dotted around the studio, so feel free to use these as often as you need to.

The cleaning staff here at Pilates central now disinfect all beds, equipment and door handles throughout the building on a daily basis, as part of their routine. From now on, we will be asking all of our clients to wipe down the equipment after use.

As a matter of course, we will let you know of any changes to the current government guidelines. We’re sure you are all aware of the guidelines of self-isolating if you have any symptoms. If you have any concerns exercising at the studio, please feel free to contact us, tel. 020 7288 8080.

Peter Ottevanger – Studio Manager


Further information on the NHS website

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