I hope this post finds you all safe and well and surviving lockdown. I wanted to update everyone on our plans to reopen the studio and to give you an idea of what exercising at the studio under social distancing will be like.
Although the government has not given a date for us to open as yet, the indications are that gyms will restart sometime in July. So we are working towards opening in mid-July with all social distancing and health and safety precautions in place.
2-Metre Distance
Because of the two-metre separation guidelines we will be limiting the number of clients in the studio at any one time, so advanced booking will be essential and I will be extending the opening hours on weekends in order to make more sessions available.
As well as maintaining the hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting procedures that we introduced and asked you all to adopt going into lockdown we will be introducing new ones, such as face masks and disposable gloves. We will have supplies of both disposable face masks and gloves at the studio, but it would be a good idea to bring your own face mask as well.
Layout Change
The layout of the studio will be changed to comply with distancing guidelines. We will also be introducing transparent partitions throughout the studio to aid separation guidelines and a separate entrance and exit in and out of the studio.
For those of you who have been taking advantage of the online sessions with our teachers, we will be maintaining that alongside the reopening of the studio to help in the transition back to working at the studio. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have been using the online platform for helping our teachers to earn a living during lockdown and I hope you have enjoyed working with them.
All of the procedures we are implementing will be subject to change depending on government guidelines and we will let you know of any changes.
Your Health & Wellbeing
The precautions we are taking at the studio are absolutely necessary and we take very seriously the health and wellbeing of both our clients and teachers but I would like to say that I will be making every effort to keep the atmosphere and personality of the studio as friendly and welcoming as always.
From all of us here at Pilates Central we wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you again soon.
Stay safe,
Peter Ottevanger, Studio Manager